It’s International GM's Day! The one day a year when we (officially) shower our GMs with love and appreciation. They craft our worlds, spin epic tales, and somehow manage to keep a straight face when we take their storylines in unexpected directions.
So, how can we give back to the brilliant mind behind the screen? Here are ten ways to support your GM and make their job just a little bit easier.
1. Take on a Task
Running a game involves a lot of moving parts. Helping with tasks like tracking initiative, running the pre-game recap or looking after your party's gaming schedule makes a big difference. Your GM will appreciate having one less thing to juggle, for sure.
2. Keep Great Session Notes
Jotting down key details about NPCs, locations, and plot points keeps you connected to the story, and helps your party get the most out of the adventure. Your GM has likely put thought into every minor detail, and keeping track of them not only deepens your experience but also helps bring the world to life! Check out our stationery range for notebooks and binders built for DnD.

3. Keep the Rules Flexible
Rules are there to guide the game mechanics, but storytelling and fun should always come first. If your GM makes a call on something, trust that they’re doing it to keep the game flowing. If you ever disagree with a GM's ruling, a quick discussion after the session is a great way to understand their decision without slowing down the action.
4. Bring Snacks
Every adventuring party needs rations. A well-timed pizza delivery or a bag of everyone’s favourite sweet treats can work wonders for table morale. A well-fed table means happy players and a happy GM. You could make a snack rota, or have a roll-off at the end of each session to see who's in charge of food for the next one!

5. Show Up on Time (and Ready to Play!)
Arriving on time, with your character sheet and dice ready, means more time for the fun stuff. If you can, taking time to brush up on the rules relevant to your character will help keep things running smoothly.
6. Run a One-Shot
Sometimes, even the most dedicated GMs need a break. Offering to run a one-shot adventure mid-campaign lets your GM take a step back and enjoy being a player for a night. Don’t know where to start? One-Shot Wonders is here to help! It’s full of great DnD one-shots that you can run with hardly any prep.

7. Share What You Loved
After a session, let your GM know what made the game special for you. Was there a plot twist that blew your mind? An NPC you adored? A combat that felt especially thrilling? Sharing positive feedback encourages your GM and helps them craft even more awesome moments in the future.
8. Contribute to the World
While your GM is the main world-builder, your characters are what brings the story to life. Creating a compelling character backstory or setting personal character goals helps deepen the campaign. If you want to go the extra mile, something like The Fantasy Character Kit can provide tons of inspiration.
9. Foster a Positive Table
A great gaming experience relies on collaboration and respect. Keeping table talk positive, being patient with new players, and giving everyone a chance to shine makes for an enjoyable experience for all. When everyone works together, the adventure becomes even more memorable!
10. Chip in on Resources
If your GM uses custom maps, lovingly painted miniatures, or intricate handouts, splitting the costs of these across the party can really help them out. And if they ever mention how hard it is to find the right map for an encounter, well… The Map Library may just be the perfect gift for them.
Being a Game Master isn’t always easy, but a little appreciation can make their day. Whether it’s bringing snacks, helping out with the game, or just embracing their plot twists with enthusiasm, every bit of support helps! So go forth, roll some dice, and make your GM’s day as awesome as the worlds they create.